This is for registration for services to families who have Legal Guardianship of a child(ren) that is not their birth child, through the court, and that is in your full time care.
To qualify for Family Room services you are agreeing that you are the court appointed guardian of the children you have in your full time care. These children's biological birth parents do not live with you or the children, nor do they have custody of them. You are responsible for their full time care and needs.
Verification of this status will be made through a social worker before an appointment will be confirmed. If you no longer have a social worker involved in the case and you now are the court appointed legal gaurdian of the child(ren), you will need to provide legal documentation verifing this before we can provide you with services.
Thank you for what you do! We appreciate you so much and we are honored to serve you. Legal Guardian families can receive provisions up to four times per year for the qualifying children in their home.
Social Worker Information (if you still have one assigned to you)